because of this , the gate was called hamaguri-gomon gate using an analogy from a phrase that " a shell is opened by fire ." この為、「炎で貝が開く」ことの比喩で蛤御門と呼ばれるようになった。
in japanese , the situation with constant conflicts is sometimes called shuraba , using an analogy from ashura precept (pandemonium ). 日本語では、争いの耐えない状況を修羅道に例えて修羅場(しゅらば)と呼ぶ場合もある。
in japanese , the situation with constant conflicts is sometimes called shuraba , using an analogy from ashura precept (pandemonium ). 日本語では、争いの耐えない状況を修羅道に例えて修羅場(しゅらば)と呼ぶ場合もある。
especially in some radical organizations , their own shakubuku activities are sometimes called orugu (organizer ) using an analogy from inducement activities for acquiring new activists by each party sect during the heyday of radical groups from 1965 to 1975 . 特に急進派の団体で、昭和40~50年代の過激派全盛期の各党派の新人活動家獲得のための勧誘活動になぞらえ自派の折伏活動をオルグ(オルガナイザー)と呼ぶ場合がある。